Best Archer Queen Decks in Clash Royale

The Archer Queen has received a substantial 17% duration buff to her ability in the latest Clash Royale balance changes, allowing her to wreak havoc offensively or get to safety defensively for longer. As one of the most versatile and powerful Champions in the game currently, mastering Archer Queen decks is critical for victory.

In this comprehensive guide, we will showcase the best Archer Queen decks to rule the Arena and discuss key gameplay tips to maximize her value.

Why Archer Queen is So Strong

Here are some of the main reasons why the Archer Queen has surged in strength and popularity after the buffs:

  • Her one Elixir ability now lasts for 3.5 seconds (increased from 3 seconds). This allows her to stay invisible and invulnerable for longer to dish out damage or escape unscathed.
  • She can melt tanks much faster. A level 11 Archer Queen’s ability can fully take down a level 14 Valkyrie now.
  • With her long invisibility and high DPS, she generates massive positive Elixir trades and can single-handedly turn games around.
  • Pair her with the right support cards like Royal Hogs and E-Barbs, and the opponent will struggle to defend relentless assaults.

Best Archer Queen Decks

Depending on your playstyle and trophy level, some Archer Queen decks are more optimal than others. Here are the top 3 Archer Queen decks dominating the meta right now:

1. Archer Queen Royal Hogs Earthquake

This versatile control deck built around the Archer Queen and Royal Hogs is currently used by top ladder players like CWA to destroy opponents.

Key Cards:

  • Archer Queen: Main win condition. Her ability allows her to take towers quickly.
  • Royal Hogs: Secondary win condition that pressures opposite lanes. Forces your opponent to defend both lanes.
  • Earthquake: High damage spell that cripples buildings and towers. Synergizes well with the Archer Queen.
  • Delivery + Log: Defensive cards to protect your Queen and Hogs.

This deck has answers for almost any matchup while aggressively targeting towers with the Queen and Hogs once you gain the advantage.

2. Archer Queen: Elite Barbarians Rage

A devastating beatdown deck that revolves around stacking up units behind the durable Archer Queen and overwhelming enemies with brute force.

Key Cards:

  • Archer Queen: Heart of the push. Remains invisible with Rage to destroy towers.
  • Elite Barbarians: Main supporting punishment that tears down towers rapidly.
  • Rage: Makes it near impossible to stop theQueen + E-Barbs assault.
  • Skeletons + Ice Spirit: Cheap cycle cards to get back to Queen faster.

With flawless defensive skills, you can build up an unstoppable offense that no army can withstand!

3. Archer Queen Giant Double Prince

This archetype combines the relentless power of the Giant and Double Prince charge with the ranged dominance of the Archer Queen beautifully.

Key Cards:

  • Archer Queen: Versatile card that reinforces both offense and defense.
  • Giant: Sturdy tank with high HP to absorb damage.
  • Prince + Dark Prince: Support troops that build up devasting charges.
  • Fireball: Shatters swarms and glass cannons approaching your push.

Support and protect the Queen during her ability, and she will cripple your adversary’s towers swiftly. Additionally, the Princes provide ground control while your Giant tanks and absorbs punishment.

General Gameplay Tips

Regardless of which Archer Queen deck you select from above, keep these key tips in mind to master her:

1. Protect Her Patiently

  • The Archer Queen needs backup from cards like Ice Golem, Skeletons, and Ice Spirit to stay alive longer
  • Use low-cost units to distract approaching threats till her ability recharges
  • Pull tanks towards the middle with buildings so that both Princess Towers assist you

2. Ability Usage

  • Using her ability prematurely can backfire. Have patience.
  • Once the main tank gets in her range, activate invisibility to destroy glass cannons first. Then focus fire on the tank.
  • If caught off-guard defensively, turn invisible right away and reposition her.

3. Pressure Opposite Lane

  • When she turns invisible, immediately threaten the opposite lane with win conditions like Hogs.
  • Your adversary will be conflicted between ignoring her and defending the additional assault or vice versa.

4. Spell Synergy

  • Earthquake, Rage and Freeze have excellent synergy with Archer Queen by improving her damage output and invisible duration even further!

As shown in the table above, pairing the Queen with the right support troops and spells will lead to deadly outcomes!

With these pro tips for Archer Queen mastery, you will be able to construct relentless attacks while shutting down enemy win conditions swiftly.

She demands additional skill to operate properly compared to Champions like Skeleton King and Golden Knight but offers way more potential value if you learn her intricacies.

Stay tuned for more advanced Archer Queen guides and updates in the future! But for now, try out these highly optimized builds to start dominating Arenas with her improved 3.5 seconds of stealthy power.

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